Category Archives: Uncategorized

Jan 11 | 4:31pm

My little green thumb, he loves plants and to garden. It’s something we have done since he was quite young. We have a lot of edible plants at our place including passionfruit, blueberries, pears, apples, lime, lemons and olives not including the veg patch.

He often asks for a plant, he has a succulent that is his own and a venus fly trap. He is a great help he will weed, water and feed the plants when they need it and loves to pick the food and eat it straight away.



Jan 10 | 4:43pm

Summer nights spent running under the hose, jumping and playing areoplanes.



Jan 9 | 10:17am

Morning tea, picked straight from the garden.



Jan 8 | 6:34pm

The salt from the ocean washed from our skin, the sand on our feet washed away with it, the memories may fade but never shall they leave.
Home in our space and ready for rest, silly stories read by Dad and off to bed.



Jan 7 | 11:17am




