Category Archives: Uncategorized

Jan 30 | 6:32pm
My boys

Jan 29 | 11:15am
A boy of many names and many faces.
You are affectionate you grab my face and pull it in to kiss me.
You race towards your Dad to embrace him in a hug.
Your wild at heart, you struggle to express your emotions and always seem to be moving at 100 miles an hour.
You love fruit you eat 3-4 pieces every day.
You love to play with you feet or have someone play with them.
You light up our lives each and every day you keep me on my toes with your constant drive to seek adventure.
Never change my boy, always seek more.

Jan 28 | 10:08am

Bikes are fun
They can go fast
Sometimes a little too fast
Sometimes we graze our knee
But we get back on
Because bikes are fun!



Jan 27 | 7:36am

I love to watch him learn, the excitement of seeing something he recognises, getting the colour right, counting how many, it truly is the little things. The innocent joy, and building their confidence and self belief because they are amazing.




Jan 25 | 12:23pm
Making a wish.