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And here we go again!
I aboulutely love doing my January project. It reminds me to be in the moment and to capture everyday things.
It is such a beautiful record for my boys and also for me, I love to look over the images and see how they have grown and changed. This year I spoke with both my boys in late December, I showed them so images from last year and I asked if we could do it again, I want them to want to be in the photo’s, to enjoy making memories and be apart of something I started for me, and for them.

Day one, as always P was up with sun.
Dancing in the sand with his shadow.


This family are such a treasure, they lift each other up and they hold each other close.

I have had the absoulte joy of capturing moments for them for over three years now.
This session holds a special place amongst the others, this one had more than one purpose and I am honoured that I can be a teeny tiny part in a long and winding road they have been on, and continue to travel.

Beautiful Indi is sitting, she is crawling, waving, clapping and growing right before our very eyes she is thriving and it’s so wonderful to celebrate these simple yet epic moments.

This day however we also celebrate a little boy, loved and lost all too soon. His presence to great for this world, Zeke was taken to the next world before we ever had the chance to get to know him, to soak up his divinity and to learn from him.

Baby boy, you may not be hugged and kissed each day like your bother and sister but you will be forever treasured and loved the same.





Baby number two often enters a whirlwind of love, not just from mum and dad but from big sibling too. Say say, and Ruby calls her has spent her 1st few weeks being smothered in big sister love!


The moment she layed eyes on you, she knew life would never be the same again!



Warm coats

Cups of tea


Books and …

Backyard adventures.





