Jan 17

Jan 17 | 5:19pm

It was a warm summer’s day. Every warm day you ask for the pool and I have hesitated to set it up each time. The sprinkler, the hose, a bucket. I have used all other water play options but not set up the pool. You and your brother were moody today, tired I suspected so I made you nap. You both woke well and asked for the pool. Today I gave in, I set it up. Well you did, I got it out and you held the pump to blow it up then you helped my carry it to the lawn, I got the hose and you helped to fill it too. Next thing you and your brother were in the nud in a barely filled pool. After sometime you had, had enough you went to your favourite spot … the hammock, you climbed in and curled up, shut your eyes for a little then,  you spun and I came to capture the moment. A beautiful one, of you.



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