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We had a big but wonderful day as a family today, we took a drive to the peninsula to visit the Red Hill market. We enjoyed some yummy food and got some goodies too. Then off to the beach.

Emmett loves the beach, he loves destroying sand castles, splashing in the water, finding shells and he loves watching the seagulls.

Today was a hot one in Melbourne, 41 degrees.

We played it safe and spent the afternoon at home in the aircon, the weather did call for nudie time eating ice though.

Emmett loves eating ice, its very new just this summer but the novelty hasnt worn off yet.

Jan 3 2013
What is nicer on a warm day than some fresh fruit.
Watermelon is Emmett’s favourite fruit. If you were to give him a bowl of fruit salad he would eat all the melon and exclaim more more, asking for more melon when he has a bowl full of other fruits.


Christmas brings so many wonderful things… Joy, Hope, Family and Giving.
My Son was lucky enough to experience all of these things this year, he gave and received many wonderful gifts. We had fun this afternoon in the garden with one of them.


January 1st bring the begining of a personal project I like to under take, capturing a moment of my son each day to share with you all. I did this project via my Facebook page last year and will share it both there and here this year.
I look forward to sharing a part of my life with you all and hope you enjoy my post.

Jan 1 2013

Today was a lazy day, we spent most of the day in our PJ’s lounging around the house, we cuddled on the couch, sung songs and read books, Emmett played in his pool and we enjoyed one of the best things in life…. having each other.