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Today we packed up our camper for home, we visited a beautiful place in the countryside for lunch and the boys ran around the gardens, played hide and seek and waved good bye to loved ones.

We truly are the lucky ones and live is a beautiful country.

I am a lucky mum to have such beautiful boys.

Life is just wonderful and I wouldn’t change a thing.


Boy; noise with dirt on it.

This is quite accurate today, lots of silly noises and giggles, rolling around, jumping and running.

Just such a boy!



Some days all you want is a cuddle from Dad, it can make you feel safe, loved and turn your frown upside down.



A few months ago I asked him if he wanted a hair cut, he has had many before and they are done my Aunty Shan so it’s always been a fun and familiar experience, when I asked a month ago he said no thanks mum, I want to grow it long.

I love his independence and wanting to be his own person.

I love how wild and wavy it is

I love how he is happy to have it washed and brushed

and I love how it curls on the ends



Peek a boo, waking to Emmett peeking through the curtain in the camper. Morning Mum he says with a cheeky grin and his favourite soft toy Nemo, these too share many cuddles together.
That smile lights up my life.
