Time for Truth

If you are a personal friend you may find this confusing. All of those close to me know I am honest, sometimes it’s a quality I am not proud of, sometimes I am too much for people.
In my relationship with my husband it’s my only “rule” to be honest in how we are feeling, what we are thinking and where we are heading.
Now it’s time for me to be honest with you. If you have followed my work or been a client you will know I love newborns, they are divine, I have all the time in the world for them. They are the reason I chose this path, to be in the presence of the pure love and joy a newborn brings is a gift – one I am so grateful for. This hasn’t and never will change, I have had this love of newborns, babies and children as long as I can remember. All of my family are in shock I don’t have the 6 kids I always said I would  have.
Currently the way I photograph newborns forgets to be completely transparent. In my studio sessions it’s there, we all chat about the joy, the tears, the good and the bad. We wrap these little beings in soft fabrics, comfort and love it IS all there. However when I get to the computer later on there is this tug, the expectation of prefect skin, prefect poses, of toddlers who sit still and look straight at the camera, when the reality is that most babies have flakey fingers and toes, most toddlers don’t have a lot or any understanding of this new baby in their home, that this ideal of perfection is created under a pressure I take on to create the prefect image, of what you want, not what I perceive.
The reason you don’t see lots of props or distracting things in my work is because I truly believe they are prefect just as they are. They don’t need things to make them “pretty” or “girly”, “manly” or anything like that, they are beautiful. Untainted by the world, pure with no wants just needs, no preconceived ideas or conditioning from their upbringing. Divine in every sense of the word.
I fell in love with photography because it captures a moment, real and true. It tells a story of it’s time, transparent and raw. It shows beauty, from the eye behind the lens and the way the photographer viewed the subject. For me it’s always pure, innocent and with love.
I love people setting the intention of being present, in the moment together soaking up the love shared between one another. So much of our lives are spent in a hurry, at a workplace, in front of a screen. Intentionally setting time to be present fully together, to create joy and share love. This is why I love photography, it shows truth, transparency, emotion and it’s so much more that ever meets the eye.

So I will leave you with me, in my comfy pants minimal make up and a new chapter of more personally meaningful work. I would love to see and capture you, get in contact if your brave enough to show me.

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